Emma Stewart

Emma Stewart
To make an appointment, please contact Tash McDonnell tash.mcdonnell@tompkinswake.co.nz
Qualifications : BA, LLB, University of Auckland.
Emma joined Tompkins Wake in 2023 as a member of the Environmental/Local Government Team. Emma has been in practice since 2011, having spent ten years in the litigation team of an Auckland general practice firm.
Emma has an extensive background in criminal defence and immigration law and experience in all courts. Emma brings this litigation expertise to advise on hearing, enforcement and prosecution processes under a number of statutory regimes, including the Resource Management Act, Health and Safety at Work Act, Local Government Act, Dog Control Act, Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act, Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act, and other regulatory disputes.
Areas of expertise
- Employment Law
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Prosecutions
- Health and Safety
- Regulatory Prosecution and Defence
- Resource Management Act (RMA)