Tompkins Wake advises Parking Sense on capital raise

Tompkins Wake advises Parking Sense on capital raise
Wednesday 11 October, 2017
Tompkins Wake advises Parking Sense on capital raising
Tompkins Wake has advised Waikato-based Parking Sense on follow-on capital raising round from existing investors, including significant funding from Movac, New Zealand’s most experienced technology investment firm.
Founded in 2013, Parking Sense provides smart software solutions to a number of the world’s largest car park operators. The business has a team of 25 employees, and clients in New Zealand, Australia and USA, which include L.A.Metro, one of the largest parking guidance contracts ever awarded.
Tompkins Wake partner Mark Renner and senior associate Philip Monahan led the project which has Parking Sense added to Movac's Fund 4 portfolio, alongside Vend and Unleashed Software.
The funding will be used to build sales and delivery capability offshore, as well as increase Parking Sense’s marketing presence.