Will proposed changes lead to better streets?

Will proposed changes lead to better streets?
Tuesday 11 October, 2022
Waka Kotahi- the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) is proposing changes that may make it easier for councils to make roading changes. NZTA has released the Reshaping Streets proposal for consultation. The proposed changes include:
Pilots of Street Layout changes
- Setting out new powers and requirements for trialling pilots of street layout changes
- Allowing councils to use pilots as consultation and collect feedback during the pilot to evaluate whether the changes should be permanent
- A pilot can:
- be installed for up to two years
- include lowering the speed limit if the posted speed limit is under 60km per hour
- involve trialling Traffic Control Devices, such as signs, signals, notices, traffic calming features, and markings.
Filtering and restricting traffic
- Removing the Local Government Act requirement that facilities built on roads not “unduly impede vehicular traffic entering or using the road”
- Allowing councils to install modal filters, such as bollards, planter boxes, trees, street furniture, or concrete blocks
- Giving councils the power to restrict or prohibit some or all vehicles from some roads to support health and safety, public transport use, active travel, emissions reductions, and to create public spaces that promote community well-being
- Give councils the explicit power to install Traffic Control Devices
Other key proposals
- Allowing councils to work with schools and residents to create school or community (play) streets where traffic is restricted
- Removing the Local Government Act road closure limit of 31 days per year to allow for recurring events
- Limiting challenges to the creation or installation of a pedestrial mall to judicial review and removing appeal rights to the Environment Court
- Removing the transport shelter notification requirements and allowing councils to publicly consult on them.
The changes proposed in Reshaping Streets will significantly increase councils’ powers to make roading changes that improve public safety and support public transport, active travel, and community. Consultation closes on Monday 19 September, and we are anticipating a large volume of submissions. We will keep you posted on the progress of the Reshaping Streets proposal.
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