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The Government's key amendments to the Fast Track Approvals Bill

The Government's key amendments to the Fast Track Approvals Bill

The Government's key amendments to the Fast Track Approvals Bill

Monday 26 August, 2024

The New Zealand Government has introduced a series of strategic amendments to the Fast Track Approvals Bill, reflecting a commitment to both accelerating essential infrastructure development and addressing stakeholder concerns. The changes, endorsed by the Cabinet and now under consideration by the Environment Select Committee, are designed to streamline the approval process while ensuring a robust, transparent, and inclusive approach. 

The Fast Track process has garnered significant interest, with 384 projects applying for inclusion in the Bill’s Schedule 2 as candidates for approval. These projects cover a diverse range of sectors, including housing, infrastructure, renewable energy, primary industries, quarrying, and mining. This level of engagement underscores the critical need to address New Zealand's housing crisis, infrastructure challenges, and ambitious climate change targets.

Stats for Fast Track Approvals Bill Article2

The revised Bill introduces several key changes:

    • Referral Process: The Minister for Infrastructure will refer projects to an expert panel, following consultation with the Minister for the Environment and other relevant portfolio Ministers. This approach ensures a comprehensive evaluation at the outset.
    • Decision-Making Authority: Final decisions on projects will be made by the expert panel, a continuation of the process established by the previous government under the now-repealed COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020. This independent decision-making framework maintains objectivity, enhances public trust, and facilitates timely decisions.
    • Expert Panel Composition: The composition of the expert panels will be clarified to require the inclusion of environmental expertise, and an iwi authority representative where required by a Treaty settlement. Additionally, the panel will now include expertise in Māori development, shifting the focus from mātauranga Māori to a more practical application of te ao Māori principles.
    • Enhanced Application Requirements: Applicants are now required to provide detailed information on previous decisions by approving authorities on their nominated project, including relevant court rulings. This addition strengthens the decision-making process by ensuring that past decisions on the project are considered.
    • Extended Consultation Timeframes: The timeframes for comments during both the referral and panel stages have been extended, allowing more time for invited parties to provide input. This change reflects the Government’s commitment to an inclusive process that carefully considers the perspectives of appropriate stakeholders.

These amendments represent a thoughtful evolution of the Fast Track Approvals Bill, balancing the need for expedited project approvals with the imperative of maintaining a rigorous and fair process. As the Bill continues to progress through the legislative process, the Government's focus remains on enabling the timely delivery of critical infrastructure while ensuring that there is meaningful opportunity to participate in the process.

Once the Bill is enacted, projects listed in Part A of Schedule 2 will be able to apply directly to an Expert Panel for final decision-making, ensuring that New Zealand can continue to advance its infrastructure and development objectives efficiently and effectively.

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