+64 7 839 4771

Theresa Le Bas

Theresa Le Bas


To make an appointment, please contact Susan Taylor susan.taylor@tompkinswake.co.nz

Qualifications : BA, LLB, LLM (Hons), University of Auckland.


Recommended Lawyer for Bios 2043     The Legal 500 Recommended Lawyer 2062     NZL Elite Woman 2023

Theresa is an expert in resource management and local government law with nearly 30 years’ experience in New Zealand and Australia. Theresa joined Tompkins Wake in 2011 and is a senior partner in the firm's Environmental and Local Government practices. 

With a background in top tier, national law firms in both New Zealand and Australia, Theresa has extensive experience in large scale infrastructure, mining, energy and industrial projects, performing legal due diligence for national and international acquisitions. Over nearly 30 years, Theresa has guided a number of local authorities through significant plan reviews, changes and variations.

Noted in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific as a Recommended Lawyer, Theresa has ‘excellent knowledge in the RMA and local government area, and good mediation skills; she is a good communicator who builds rapport with people easily and works extremely hard for her clients’. 

Theresa is a member of the Tompkins Wake Board of Partners.

Client Feedback:

  • “Responsive and professional, Theresa Le Bas provides exceptional service, responsiveness and excellent RMA advice.” The Legal 500, Projects and Resource Management (including Environment), Asia Pacific 2020

Areas of expertise

  • Bylaws and Policies
  • Contamination Issues
  • Designations
  • Environmental Due Diligence
  • Environmental Impact Management
  • Heritage Processes
  • Infrastructure and Projects
  • Mining and Resources
  • Official Information (LGOIMA)
  • Plan Changes, Variations and Plan Reviews
  • Resource Consents
  • Resource Management Act (RMA)
  • Rural Planning and Development
  • Urban Planning and Development
  • Local Government Advisory
  • Council Hearings
  • Appeal Hearings
  • Building Act Processes
  • RMA Compliance and Enforcement
  • Wastewater Treatment and Discharge
  • Water

Other Credentials

  • NZ|Lawyer Elite Women List 2022 & 2023
  • Board Member Tompkins Wake Board of Partners
  • Trustee of the Rotorua Public Arts Trust
  • Member of the Association for Resource Management Practitioners
  • Recommended Lawyer, Projects and Resource Management (including Environment), The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024

Theresa has appeared as lead legal counsel in the following proposals:


  • Tauranga’s Routes P, J, K, Takatimu Drive Extension and second harbour crossing.
  • Southern Links in Hamilton City, Waipā and Waikato Districts.
  • 13 contracted emergency housing facilities in Rotorua.
  • Auckland’s Rosedale Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion and ocean outfall.
  • Waihi Mining and Newmont Waihi’s expansion of mining activities in Waihi.
  • Orica Australia’s sale of its former explosives reserve to the former Auckland Regional Council to establish the Waitawa Regional Park.
  • WALS’ landfill establishment in Serpentine, Western Australia.
  • Hanson’s Red Hill Quarry expansion in Perth, Western Australia.
  • Genera’s continuation of fumigation services at the Port of Tauranga.
  • Successful conclusion of first instance and appeal processes on the Rotorua Lakes and Waipā District Plan reviews.

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