As a leading professional services firm, Tompkins Wake shares global concern about the impact of climate change and aspires to minimise our impact on the environment.
We endeavour to ensure that sustainability and adoption of best practice are embedded in our decision-making and business activities.
Our Environmental and sustainability goals are to:
As one united partnership across New Zealand, we work together with our overarching goals being to deliver exceptional service to our clients; to create a great place for our people to work; to grow the next generation of talented lawyers and Partners, and to leave the firm in better shape than we inherited it.
Our inter-generational approach ensures our focus and effort to adopt and implement sustainable practices across our business operations. Our goal is to educate and enable all our people to make continuous improvement and sustain positive change in our environmental awareness and performance.
Our Actions:
Tompkins Wake has also established a Green Team, our in house sustainability forum, to capture ideas from across the firm and embed into our daily work practices. By continually looking at our working environment, we can better understand how we consume resources and what we can do to make our offices and the firm greener, improving our environmental footprint.
Examples of our work and progress to date include:
- Transitioning to 100% recycled paper across all our offices
- Installation of water-efficient hardware in our Hamilton office
- The introduction of LOOP car-sharing for our Hamilton office as a sustainable transport solution.
- Elimination 35,000 disposable beverage cups per year by issuing all staff with "Keep Cups".
- The design and construction of our Rotorua office incorporated energy-efficient lighting and climate control as well as water-efficient appliances, hardware and fittings.
- Auto-light sensors to manage energy consumption in Hamilton and Rotorua
- Food waste recycling implemented in Hamilton
- Measuring and reporting internally on energy usage, distances drive, miles flown and resources consumed (e.g.paper) to raise awareness and drive improvement/reduction